
Saturday, June 13, 2009


During my free time after running my business, I find interesting effect text on Photoshop (I hope you feel interesting too). This article good for people that new in Photoshop. Ok check it out.
  1. Create new document, you can choose what you want with the size.
  2. Press t to create the text. You may write any word that you want. Here I write “adobe”. Font that I use is Arial black
  3. Now we make gold effect on the word that we write. Go to layer style, turn on color everlay and change the colour to gold. Check the bevel and emboss box, and turn up the depth, change glos contour to ring or ring-double. This type is good to create metal effect. I use ring type. Change highlight modes to color dodge and change the colour to yellow. Last, turn on drop shadow
  4. Duplicate layer text and drag it down. Now we make crom effect. Go to layer style, change color overlay to grey, go to bevel and emboss, on highlight mode change the colour to white. If you want to add a little bit rust effect to text boundary, turn on inner shadow then change the colour to carmine, add more noise. If it look too thick, you can change opacity value to that you thinks look good.
  5. Duplicate again layer text and drag it down. Now we make text effect on text, right click on layer text then choose clear layerstyle. Change it colour to white. Duplicate layer after that change the text size to smaller and change the colour to black. Type many same words like this (or you can just copy it :))
  6. After that at the same time you press alt drag the pointer between two layer texts like hereunder
And the pointer will change to two circles that proportioned that call as clipping mask, where layer above will accommodating the shape of layer under it. Click on layer under clipping mask and give layer style, to make the text more realistic.
You can create good effect to text just by using layer style. That’s it from this article and me about Photoshop. I hope it useful for you

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I often to play billiard, billiard number 8 give me inspiration to draw it using photoshop.
Ok should we....
  1. First step, create new document, up to you about the size....
  2. Create new layer then choose elliptical marquee tool. Press shift to make circle after that click and drag. To set up the position of the circle in the middle of canvas at the same time you press shift you must press space button
  3. After you draw the circle, choose paint bucket tool then fill the circle with black, change the layer name with “ball”.
  4. Create new layer then draw smaller white circle that we use it for number background.
  5. To write the number press T on the keyboard, write number 8 and place it in the middle of white circle. Set the size number so it fit with white circle by press Ctrl + t (free transform).
  6. Change layer “text” by right click on the number 8 then choose rasterize type.
  7. Merge layer number with white circle by using merge down then set up the position in the right bottom. Don’t forget to click twice on the layer name, and rename it with “number” or anything you want.
  8. Create new layer then draw white circle once more, set up the white circle in the left top of the ball. Rename the layer with “highlight”
  9. Next step choose layer “highlight” then press Ctrl, drag mouse pointer to ball layer to choose ball shape. After that go to Filter>distort>spherize, set amount 100% and normal mode .Then go to filter>blur>Gaussian blur set radius to 30. Do the same things with layer “number” except without blur, next press Ctrl + d to unselect. The result will be like this.
Now it’s almost finish, to be more realistic we need to add shadow to the ball, you can give layer style to the layer ball, then choose drop shadow set up the distance and size, beside that you can use manual way, by duplicate the layer “ball” and change it name with layer “shadow”.
Next place layer “shadow” under the ball. Press Ctrl + t, set the shape so it match with the ball by using perspective or anything else and give filter>blur>Gaussian blur, set radius about 25.
And taraaa we are finish now. You can make not only ball number 8 but any ball that you want


1. First step we must create a new document, you can choose what do you want with the size of the document, but in here I choose 1024x768,
2. Create a new layer and then go to filter>render>clouds
3. Click and drag layer 1 to the “new layer” option in the bottom to duplicate the layer.

4. Then in the layer 1 copy go to image>adjustments>invert to invert the layer or you just press Ctrl + i
5. Change the blending mode to color dodge..
6. And then you go to filter>blur>motion blur, for the option you can choose what you want, in this example I use angle 45 and distance 703 px

7. There you go, the basic form already done, now we go to coloration stage Go to image>adjustments>hue/saturation or you can just press Ctr + u, don’t forget to mark in colorize option, find the colour that suitable with the colour of lava, I use following: Hue: 22; Saturation: 22; Ligtness: -13

8. After you get the colour that you want, you must merge “layer 1 copy” and “layer 1” by go to layer>merge down or Ctrl + e..
9. Then duplicate again layer 1. Its copy should named “Layer 1 copy”. In Layer 1 copy go to filter>stylize>find edges then change the blending mode to overlay..
10. Last step to make more realistic, in Layer 1 copy go to image>adjustment>levels or just press Ctrl + l, drag the black and grey point to the right near the white point. Or you cant type number in input levels. Here I use 235, 0.66, 255

You can create many kind of texture using clouds facility on Photoshop. That’s all guys I hope can useful to you